005 App Icon

Similar to Kik, I designed an icon for a fun messaging app for teens called nunumber (a.k.a. New Number) that allows users to communicate without giving out personal information.

app icon for dribbble.jpg


App Icon

004 Calculator

Inspired by day three’s color scheme, I designed a clean and user-focused mobile calculator that features enlarged, commonly-used buttons as well as a ‘history’ tab, easing the use of the application.

iphone calc004.png



003 Landing Page

Day 3

My third day with animation (ever) and perhaps my favorite so far. For this challenge, I created a Tokyo News site landing page for iMac and experimented with color, layout, and parallax. This was the result, using Sketch and Flinto.

Flinto Animation - Landing Page Tokyo News.gif


Landing Page

002 Card Checkout

Day 2

Playing with odd color combinations, new animations, and layout, I created an e-commerce checkout page.

Flinto animation_002.gif


Card Checkout

001 Sign in/Sign up

Day 1

Inspired by my work with Schreiner University’s community garden, I tackled the challenge with an iPad interface sign in page for a community of modern gardeners while experimenting with animation in Flinto. The result: a fun micro interaction, bright color palette, and clean card structure.



Sign in / Sign up

Flinto Animation gif.gif
